UN to quiz Irish government on track record
5 June 2015

The United Nations body responsible for policing a key international treaty protecting economic, social and cultural rights will examine an Irish government delegation on Monday and Tuesday 8 & 9 June 2015.
The UN Committee will also meet with Irish civil society groups travelling to Geneva to express concerns on how basic rights under the treaty - such as housing, health, education, work, social security, family life, adequate standard of living and cultural life - are being protected by the State.
The key civil society report was coordinated by FLAC and its public interest law offshoot PILA and features contributions from more than 80 organisations around Ireland.
The civil delegation consists of: FLAC, Threshold, Irish Family Planning Association, Atheist Ireland, Justice for Magdalenes Research, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre, Abortion Rights Campaign, Tallaght Trialogue, Community Law & Mediation and Dr Liam Thornton of UCD Human Rights Network. You can also read a briefing on the civil society reporting process.
Key documents
UN documents
- List of Issues from UN Committee for Irish State (December 2014)
- General Comments from the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (various years)
- International Covenant ESCR 76 (1966)
Irish government reports to UN:
- Irish State Response to List of Issues (April 2015)
- Annex to Irish State Report (2012)
- State Report to the Committee on ESCR (2012)
Civil society reports:
- Our Voice Our Rights (September 2014)
- Update to Our Voice Our Rights (May 2015
- Other civil society reports on Ireland under ICESCR (2014-2015)
Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission reports
- IHREC Report to UN ESCR Committee (May 2015)
- IHREC Report to UN ESCR Committee - List of issues stage (October 2014)